Handy Sanitary District

Regular Meeting of the Board

April 10, 2008




Attendees: Norman Hunt-Chairman, Keith Loflin-Secretary, Ronnie Harrison, Debbi Yarbrough, Tim Loflin, Renae Snider-Clerk to the Board, Jamie Justice-All American Associates


Guests: none


Norman Hunt called the meeting to order and after review of the register, he announced that there were no guests registered to speak.


Approval of the Minutes: The Board reviewed the March Minutes and Tim Loflin made a motion to approve the Minutes as written. Keith Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 5-0.


Financial Report: Jamie Justice discussed the monthly financial report and explained that revenues collected so far this fiscal year were around 77% while the District’s expenses were at about 75%.


Leak Adjustment Report: Jamie Justice presented the leak adjustment report and the Board reviewed.


Travel Policy: Jamie Justice presented the proposed travel policy and explained that it was basically a revised edition of policies from other municipalities. He discussed that the policy formalized the standard procedures already in practice by the District and that Frank Wells had recommended a couple of amendments prior to the Board’s adoption of the policy. He further explained that one of those changes was defining the term “employee” as it relates to the policy. Jamie discussed that the term referred to any full time or part time District employee, Board Member, or contracted employee. He discussed that Frank’s other recommendation was for clarification that the District should not ordinarily reimburse employees for lodging unless approved by the General Manager, due to the fact that the District can get the sales tax on lodging back, whereas employees could not. Jamie Justice clarified that these changes had been made to the policy upon Frank’s recommendation and the Board reviewed and discussed. Ronnie Harrison made a motion to approve the revised policy, seconded by Tim Loflin, passed by the Board 5-0.


Authorization for signing of DOC Contract: Jamie Justice explained that he had contacted the Davidson County Department of Corrections to acquire an inmate work crew to clear off easements and other possible jobs. He discussed that the District would need to purchase a chainsaw and requested that the Board authorize him to sign the work crew program contract. Ronnie Harrison made a motion to approve Jamie Justice signing the contract, seconded by Tim Loflin, passed by the Board 5-0.


Denton Area Chamber of Commerce Membership Renewal: Jamie Justice presented the renewal letter from the local Chamber of Commerce and the Board reviewed. Tim Loflin made a motion to approve the renewal, seconded by Debbi Yarbrough, passed by the Board 5-0.


Jamie Justice informed the Board that in effort to improve water loss, some of the field personnel would be coming in to do some leak detection during the night.


Ronnie Harrison inquired whether the Board would be interested in advertising in the annual Lion’s Club Thresher’s Reunion Magazine. Ronnie made a motion to place the same advertisement from the previous year in the magazine, seconded by Debbi Yarbrough, passed by the Board 5-0.


Ronnie Harrison made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Debbi Yarbrough, passed by the Board 5-0.

