Handy Sanitary District Regular Meeting of the Board
August 23, 2007
Attendees: Norman Hunt-Chairman, Keith
Loflin-Secretary, Ronnie Harrison, Debbi Yarbrough, Tim Loflin, Ron Niland-General
Manager, Renae Snider-Clerk to the Board, Frank Wells-Attorney
Guests: see attached register
Norman Hunt called the meeting to order and
reviewed the guest register. There were no guests present, so the public
comment period was closed.
Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed the
July Minutes and Debbi Yarbrough made a motion to approve the Minutes as
written. Keith Loflin seconded, passed by the Board unanimously.
Financial Report: Ron Niland presented the
monthly report and commented that if every month for the rest of the year went
as good as this first month, the District would be in outstanding shape at the
end of the fiscal year. He encouraged the Board to let him or Lisa Hedrick
know if they had any questions or wanted more details on any of the report.
Leak Adjustments: Ron Niland discussed the
recent addition to the customer service policy pertaining to adjustments on
customer leaks and explained the data on the presented report. The Board
discussed a particular customer whose name was not on the list, but had
suffered a water leak. Ron Niland and Renae Snider confirmed that the office
staff would check all of that customer’s accounts to determine if he qualified
for an adjustment.
Discussion followed regarding the District’s
water loss, and Ron Niland stated that he was trying to get a more accurate
comparison of water purchased versus water billed. The Board and Ron Niland
discussed and Ron Niland stated that the comparison needed to include a
weighted average and that he would be working on developing a plan to address
water loss.
Account fee vs. Deposits: Ron Niland
presented the idea of changing from requiring deposits on the opening of new
accounts to requiring an account fee, which would be non-refundable. He
explained the advantages, which included not having to keep up with escheats,
and also the additional automatic revenue to the District. The Board
discussed, but agreed to table the idea.
Ron Niland reported that he was pleased with
the progress on all of the current District projects. Debbi Yarbrough inquired
about the article in the Denton Orator pertaining to a few customers who live
in the city limits, but are on the District’s water lines. Frank Wells
presented the letter the District had received from the Town asking to
purchase the lines, or the customers’ accounts from the District. Discussion
followed between Frank Wells, Ron Niland, and the Board and included that
lines and the revenue from them are part of security pledged for the financing
of projects, which means that lenders would have to approve such a sale. Other
factors discussed included that the appropriate price for the line could not
be determined without legal, engineering, accounting, and administrative
expenses, and that there would be cost in relocating the meters. Another
alternative discussed was for the Town to offer the District credit on its
water bill for the gallons sold along that line. The Board advised Frank Wells
to prepare a reply that explained these factors and stated that if the Town of
Denton will commit to covering those expenses, the District would start the
process of determining a price for the line.
Mandatory connection: A proposed ordinance
was presented by Frank Wells, and the Board reviewed. Discussion followed
regarding the requirements the Board had considered in the February work
session. Frank Wells explained variations of the proposed ordinance and the
Board discussed and agreed to review further before considering adoption.
Harborgate: Guest Ricky Johnson, with
Harborgate, had arrived during the Board meeting. He discussed a letter that
Harborgate had received from the state, which required certification of water
lines and other items, before approval. After discussion, it was agreed that
Frank Wells would prepare a letter to Tony Chen, with DENR’s Public Water
Supply Section, stating the District’s encouragement of a meeting with
District engineer Fred Hobbs, the developer’s engineer, and Mr. Chen, in
attempt to help speed the process of approval.
Tin Loflin made a motion to move to closed
session to discuss a legal matter invloving Badin Shores Resort. Debbi
Yarbrough seconded, passed by the Board unanimously.
Keith Loflin made a motion to move back to
open session, seconded by Tim Loflin, and passed by the Board unanimously. No
action taken. Tim Loflin made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Debbi
Adjourned. |