Handy Sanitary District
Regular Meeting of the Board
January 11, 2007


Attendees: Norman Hunt-Chairman, Tim Loflin, Keith Loflin, Debbi Yarbrough, Ronnie Harrison, Ron Niland-General Manager, Renae Snider-Clerk to the Board, Frank Wells-Attorney, Steve Scarboro-Accountant.

Guests: See attachment.

Norman Hunt called the meeting to order and the guests were registered. Upon review of the register, he announced that two guests had requested to speak. Paul Logan had several questions relating to the Badin Lake Sewer Project. His first inquiry was when the District would have all permits and be able to begin construction. Ron Niland explained that our engineers had sent over a projected schedule earlier in the day, which offered their anticipated dates for permit acquisition, bidding process, and the start date of construction. Mr. Logan also asked if the District would notify property owners when the deadline for the $3,500.00 tap fee was coming up, and Ron Niland and the Board confirmed that they were planning to send notification out before the deadline. Mr. Logan inquired when the system would tie into Badin Shores and Uwharrie Point and whether those residents would have to pay the same hook up fees that the rest of the lake developments would be paying. Ron Niland explained that Badin Shores and Uwharrie Point would have to be connected to the system at the tail end of the project because there is existing sewer in these two developments and there would have to be completed main lines in place, ready to send the sewer to Troy for treatment. He also explained that new construction in Uwharrie Point is already paying the $7,500.00 sewer tap fee. Mr. Logan asked whether there were plans for connecting sewer into Heron Bay and Ron Niland explained that only about 6 or 7 properties in Heron Bay are located in the District boundaries and that at this time there is not water in the development, nor a request for service there. Mr. Logan also asked questions about the monthly bill for sewer, and whether residents hooked to wells and septic systems would be required to connect or if they would be charged an availability fee. Ron Niland explained that the District's attorney would be looking into legal issues that have arisen and will continue to arise and the Board will be addressing those as advised. Mr. Logan also asked whether the District had purchased the pumps yet and whether he could get some information about them. Ron Niland and the Board explained that the District is installing the same type pumps in Uwharrie Point now, so there may be a few in stock, but that the 1,200 would be ordered as the project demanded. Ron Niland also confirmed that Mr. Logan would be sent some information on the pump.

The next guest was Dan Caudle, who explained that he was a new property owner at Badin Lake, who had a new septic system and questioned the mandatory hook up. Discussion followed between Mr. Caudle, the Board and Ron Niland, about tap on costs, the CWMTF grant, and meetings held by those opposing the project. Ron Niland advised Mr. Caudle that meetings being held by parties other than the District may provide inaccurate information concerning the project, and that financial help would be available for the property owners who qualified. He further discussed that he would be happy to set up a meeting with Mr. Caudle and discuss any questions or concerns about the sewer project.

Discussion followed between the Board, Frank Wells, Ron Niland, and the guests about the sewer project, pay for Board members, and details of the sewer line connection requirements.

Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed the December Minutes and Debbi Yarbrough made a motion to approve the Minutes as written. Tim Loflin seconded the motion, passed by the Board 5-0.

Financial Report/Final Audit Report: Steve Scarboro presented the final annual audit report, for 2005-2006. He discussed that the one state-required correction had been made, as well as two suggestions the state had recommended for future reports. He also stated that once amended, the final report had been turned back into the state. The Board reviewed the report and Tim Loflin made a motion to approve the 2005-2006 Annual Audit Report. Keith Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 5-0.

Badin Lake Sewer Project Update/Proposed Schedule: Ron Niland discussed the project schedule that Hobbs, Upchurch, and Assoc. had sent over, and explained that it was a preliminary schedule with proposed dates which were based on different agencies that the District has no control over. He discussed the details of it, including that all permits may be in hand by June 30, after which time bid advertisements could be made, followed by construction as early as August 23, 2007.

Credit card payment option: Renae Snider explained that as requested, Lisa Hedrick had checked into the possibility of accepting credit cards as a payment option for customers. She discussed the cost of the machine, printer, and set up would total $600.00, and that the monthly cost would be dependant on how many customers, the amount they apply to the card, also on the percentage rate (set by Visa) that each customer qualifies for. The Board discussed, and compared the estimated District costs to the number of customers requesting this option. After discussion, the Board agreed to table the idea.

Cooperative Extension Agency Meeting: Norman Hunt asked Tim Loflin to discuss the meeting with the Cooperative Extension Agency. Tim discussed that he and Debbi Yarbrough, and Ron Niland had met with Amy Lynn Albertson to discuss the possibility of pursuing the District's involvement in a health center and/or farmers market at the Hwy 49 and Hwy 8 intersection. The Board and Ron Niland discussed costs for involvement, the need for the health center in the lake area, grants that could help with funding, etc. The Board agreed that Ron Niland should research the idea a little further.

Adjustment request: Ron Niland asked Renae Snider to brief the Board on the customer request for an adjustment of a cut off fee. She discussed that the staff had followed the normal customer service policy procedures concerning the situation, and presented the written request from the customer, Rhonda Doby. The Board discussed and agreed that there were no circumstances that would justify an adjustment of the cut off fee and advised Renae Snider to contact her to let her know. Norman Hunt also discussed another customer, Ray Kirkman, who was requesting an adjustment for a leak. The Board agreed that the customer service policy covered Mr. Kirkman's situation and did not allow for leak adjustments. They advised Renae Snider to contact Mr. Kirkman to let him know. Ron Niland also discussed that in the future, the Board may want to consider locked meter boxes.

Tim Loflin made a motion that the Board go into closed session to discuss a legal matter concerning Harborgate. Debbi Yarbrough seconded the motion, passed by the Board 5-0.

Ronnie Harrison made a motion to move back to open session, and to renew the CD at First Bank for 12 months at 5.25% interest rate. Tim Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 5-0.

The Board and Ron Niland discussed holding a work session to discuss the Badin Lake Sewer Project and other various issues including the Town of Denton, the District's involvement in possible health center, and water connections. The Board agreed to meet on Feb 6, 2007 at 10:00 the Piedmont Triad Council of Government offices.

Tim Loflin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ronnie Harrison.
