Handy Sanitary District
Regular Meeting of the Board
June 14, 2007


            Attendees: Norman Hunt-Chairman, Ronnie Harrison, Debbi Yarbrough, Ron Niland-General Manager, Scott Buffkin-Staff, Renae Snider-Clerk to the Board, Tim Loflin (7:25)

            Guests: see attached register

            Norman Hunt called the meeting to order and the guests were registered. Upon review of the register, Norman Hunt announced that two guests had requested to speak. Karen Nash was the first speaker and inquired why the District was purchasing water from Montgomery County. The Board explained that having multiple water connections would make it easier and cheaper to provide better service to customers. Patricia Marshall inquired why Davidson County had to purchase water from Montgomery County, to sell to residents already living in Montgomery County. The Board explained that the infrastructure was not there in Montgomery County, thus creating cost. Patricia Marshall also inquired about Badin Shores Resort being on the agenda as a legal matter for closed session and Ron Niland explained that items in closed session could not be discussed during public meetings. Patricia Marshall inquired about the membership fee revenue on the monthly statement and whether or not that money was put into an interest-bearing account, since the District was non-profit. Ron Niland and the Board explained that the money from membership fees is put into an interest-bearing account, and that the District is a governmental unit. Patricia Marshall also inquired about the $7 million revolving fund and Norman Hunt stated that Ron Niland would take a few minutes to answer all of her questions after the meeting.

            Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed the May Minutes and Ronnie Harrison made a motion to approve the Minutes as written. Debbi Yarbrough seconded, passed by the Board 3-0.

            2007-2008 Budget: Norman Hunt opened the public hearing for the consideration of the adoption of the 2007-2008 budget ordinance. Patricia Marshall inquired how she could comment when she had not seen the budget. Ron Niland stated that the 2007-2008 budget ordinance was and had been available for the public to view. No further comments were made and Norman Hunt closed the public hearing.

             Audit Contract: Ron Niland explained the terms of the presented audit contract, including that the total amount was higher than in the past, due to the new additional training and peer review requirements by the GASBY 33 auditing guidelines. Debbi Yarbrough questioned whether the $9,520.00 included regular accounting fees. Ron Niland explained that the monthly financial statements are completed in-house and therefore normally there are no additional fees for accounting. The Board reviewed the contract and Ronnie Harrison made a motion to approve the contract in the amount of $9,520.00 for the audit and $1,000.00 for the annual financial statement. Debbi Yarbrough seconded the motion, passed by the Board 3-0.

             Adoption of 2007-2008 Budget Ordinance: The Board reviewed the budget that was presented during the public hearing and Debbi Yarbrough made a motion to adopt the 2007-2008 Budget Ordinance. Ronnie Harrison seconded the motion, passed by the Board 3-0.

             2006/2007 Budget Amendments: Ron Niland discussed the annual budget amendments necessary for being in line for the audit. He explained that the District had more expenditures than originally budgeted, along with more revenues. Ronnie Harrison made a motion to approve the budget amendments as presented and Debbi Yarbrough seconded. Passed by the Board 3-0.

            Pinehaven Project/Bid Proposals: Scott Buffkin and Ron Niland discussed the loan proposals from BB&T, and explained that one was on the installment purchase for the replacement of water lines in Pinehaven and the other was on the refinancing of the existing $750,000.00 loan. They explained the terms on both proposals, which include a 4.09% interest rate for 15 years. Ron Niland explained that following Board adoption of this proposal, the complete package on the Pinehaven Water Line Replacement Project would be sent to the Local Government Commission for approval. The Board discussed the project construction and Debbi Yarbrough questioned if lines would be relocated on Rolling View Drive. Ron Niland stated that he or Scott would check into that with Brian Sexton of HUA and let Debbi know. The Board reviewed the proposals and Ronnie Harrison made a motion to approve both presented proposals. Debbi Yarbrough seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.

             Manager’s Notes: Ron Niland discussed that Davidson County had cancelled the scheduled meeting for Friday and that he would reschedule it. He also updated the Board on the Badin Lake Sewer Project. This discussion included talk of acquiring the special use permit, and then coordinating that with the Fish and Wildlife, who together, would issue the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI). He explained that was necessary before presenting the plans to the state for review. Ron Niland also discussed that he had spoke with David Townsend about the possibility of the District tying into Randolph County, since they would be running lines down Hwy 49. He recommended to the Board that he and Norman write a letter expressing this interest and get it to Arnold Lanier and the county manager, and the Board agreed.

             Ron Niland explained that there were three items on the agenda for closed session, which included personnel issues, contract negotiations, and a potential claim against the District. Tim Loflin made a motion to go into closed session to discuss the three items, Debbi Yarbrough seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.

             Ronnie Harrison made a motion to move back into open session, seconded by Debbi Yarbrough. Ron Niland discussed the general consensus by the Board to charge time and material costs for customer requests to move meters. Motion made to adjourn the meeting by Ronnie Harrison, seconded by Tim Loflin.
