Handy Sanitary District

Regular Meeting of the Board

March 13, 2008




            Attendees: Norman Hunt-Chairman, Keith Loflin-Secretary, Ronnie Harrison, Tim Loflin, Ron Niland-General Manager, Jamie Justice-All American Associates, Frank Wells-Attorney, Renae Snider-Clerk to the Board


            Guests: see attached list.


            Norman Hunt called the meeting to order and the guests were registered. Upon review of the register, he announced that no guests had registered to speak.


Approval of the Minutes: The Board reviewed the February Minutes and Tim Loflin made a motion to approve the Minutes as written. Keith Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.


Financial Report: Jamie Justice discussed that the 2007-2008 budget looked pretty good overall considering that the District’s revenues were over 70%, while expenses were under 70%.


BLSP Report: Jamie Justice presented the letter that was to be mailed out to the property owners of land where pump stations were designed to be. The Board reviewed and agreed that they should be mailed out. Jamie Justice also discussed that the project plans have been submitted to the state for approval. He explained that as of now there were no changes in the project schedule, and bidding should be around early fall.


Leak Adjustment Report: Jamie Justice presented the monthly adjustments that had been made, per Board policy. The Board reviewed.


Budget Retreat: Ron Niland, Jamie Justice, and the Board discussed and agreed that the retreat should be scheduled for Thursday, April 10, 2008. Ron Niland discussed that the location was to be determined and the Board would be notified as soon as it was arranged.


Loflin Fabrication Project: Jamie Justice explained that prior to the Board meeting, he, Ron Niland, Tim Loflin, and Norman Hunt had met with the Town of Denton’s Water/Sewer committee. He discussed that the Town agreed to work with the District and to apply for the Community Development Block Grant, for both the project and repairs needed at the sewer plant. He further discussed that now the District could move forward on both the engineering options and on grant applications for the Loflin Fabrication Project. He compared the engineering proposals received, one for $82,000.00 from Hobbs, Upchurch, and Assoc. and another one for $52,000.00 from Withers and Ravenel. He recommended that the Board approve the contract from Withers and Ravenel which included both the Loflin Fabrication Sewer and Astran Drive Sewer Projects. Tim Loflin made a motion to approve the Withers and Ravenel contract in the amount of $52,000.00. Keith Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.


Rural Center grant (Loflin Fabrication): Jamie Justice discussed that the Rural Center had requested the District submit an application so that the funds for the grant could be encumbered, even though the application was incomplete. Tim Loflin made a motion to approve the Rural Center grant documents, which included the Application, the Memorandum of Understanding, Commitment of Funds, Authorizing Resolution, Conflict of Interest Statement, and the Minority Business Enterprise Certification. Keith Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.


Customer Requests Waiver of Fee: Jamie Justice presented a letter from a customer requesting waiver of a late fee. He explained that the Customer Service Policy did not allow for waiver in this particular kind of situation and discussed that in the past the Board had not varied from it. He recommended that the late fee stand, and after discussion of the policy, the Board took no action.


Mt. Ebal Church Rd Extension Project: Jamie Justice reminded the Board of their prior approval for line extension upon four tap sign ups. He discussed that one of the four required taps had signed up and that at least two of the three others were inquiring if the Board would offer any type of payment plan instead of requiring that the taps be paid in full before construction begins. The Board discussed and agreed that the four taps must be paid in full before construction would start.


Town of Denton Invoice: Jamie Justice discussed that the District had received an invoice from the Town for repairs to the water plant and explained that in the past the District has paid half of the repairs, up front, rather than having the Town figure it into rates. The Board agreed and Tim Loflin made a motion to approve payment for the Town of Denton invoice in the amount of $9,601.25. Keith seconded, passed by the Board 4-0. Jamie Justice also noted to the Board that the District should be receiving a second invoice on this repair.


Southpoint Pump Station Rebuild: Jamie Justice explained that he had spoken to Gray Walls about the Southpoint pump station, who had explained that the concrete wet well was deteriorating due to the sewage byproduct hydrogen sulfide. He presented the estimate for rebuild of the pump station and explained that it included a fiberglass wet well instead of concrete, which would eliminate this problem occurring again. The Board, Ron Niland, and Jamie Justice discussed putting this project in the 2008-2009 budget. Jamie Justice recommended that the Board approve proceeding with this repair/rebuild due to the major expense that the District would incur if the pumps fell in prior to the new budget year. Following discussion, Ronnie Harrison made the motion to approve proceeding with the repair/rebuild of the Southpoint pump station. Tim Loflin seconded the motion, passed by the Board 4-0.


Harborgate: Jamie Justice explained that the developer had wanted to make a line extension that had not been part of the plans approved by DENR or the District. He discussed that the District had advised the developer of this and he had backed off. Jamie Justice requested that the Board approve the additional line extension in Harborgate, upon receipt of DENR’s approval, upon Harborgate meeting the District’s specifications, and upon the District’s engineer’s approval, and Ronnie Harrison made that motion. Keith Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.


HUA Invoices: Ron Niland presented two HUA invoices that were not approved in any budget or part of any contract. The Board, Ron Niland and Frank Wells discussed and Frank Wells explained that a budget amendment should be made to pay the invoices. Ronnie Harrison made a motion to pay $2,160.00 out of BLSP fund, for the Badin Shores Resort sewer system evaluation invoice, and to pay $1,530.00 out of the water fund, for the Badin Shores Resort water pressure analysis. Tim Loflin seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.


Tim Loflin made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Ronnie Harrison, passed by the Board 4-0.

