Handy Sanitary District Regular Meeting of the Board
November 7, 2007
Attendees: Ron Niland-General Manager, Tim
Loflin, Ronnie Harrison, Debbi Yarbrough, Norman Hunt-Chairman, Renae
Snider-Clerk to the Board, Frank Wells-Attorney
Guests: Fred Hobbs, Ben Chewning
Approval of Minutes: The Board reviewed the
October Minutes and Ronnie Harrison made a motion to approve the Minutes as
written. Debbi Yarbrough seconded, passed by the Board 4-0.
Financial Report: Ron Niland discussed that
the District was doing very well on expenditures and revenues this month and
the Board reviewed the report.
Leak Adjustment Report: The Board reviewed
the report and Ron Niland discussed one received request for an additional
adjustment, from a customer who had a bill that was high for three months due
to a leak. He recommended that the original adjustment for the October bill,
be reversed and the November bill be credited with an adjustment instead,
since it was the highest bill of the three months and the Board agreed.
Astran Drive Project: Ron Niland discussed
that the District had received the funding from Clean Water to do the
engineering of the project.
Town of Denton letter: The Board reviewed
the letters between the District and the Town of Denton and attorney Frank
Wells discussed the various costs associated with moving the meters. Ron
Niland recommended that a meeting be set up between Scotty and some of the
District Board to discuss the idea of the Town crediting our water purchases
every month in exchange for the customer accounts.
BLSP/Financial Aid Letters: The Board
reviewed the draft letters for sewer project customers who had applied for
financial assistance, and made recommended changes, including specifying which
reason a non-qualifying customer would not receive aid, and also specifying in
the letter to the qualifying customer that they would receive a free sewer tap
and pump, but would still receive monthly bills. Ron Niland discussed bringing
the revised letters back to the Board for approval in the January meeting,
along with a list of the customers who the letters would be sent to.
Loflin Fabrication Project: Ron Niland
explained that the county manager had expressed the county commissioners’
interest in the project. Ron Niland further discussed that the county manager
had agreed to meet with him, and representatives from Loflin Fabrication and
the Davidson County Economic Development, and that he would get back to the
Board after the meeting.
Rural Center: Ron Niland discussed that he
had attended a meeting at the Rural Center and recommended that the Board
apply for funds for the Montgomery County/Handy Sanitary District
interconnection. Norman Hunt made a motion for the District’s Notice of Intent
to Apply for Funds for this project. Tim Loflin seconded, passed by the Board
Water Loss: Ron Niland discussed the three
month average being around 33% and Tim Loflin inquired about calibrating 2 and
3 inch meters. Ron Niland discussed that he would check with Brenda Burton to
see how many of those were in the District, and where they were located.
Engineering Selection Process: Ron Niland
explained at length that he had attended a meeting at the Rural Center
pertaining to the hiring of engineers, which had included the appropriate
questions and the proper process. He discussed that he would get packets of
information to the Board with more detailed information about this.
Albemarle Water: Ron Niland and Norman Hunt
discussed the option of approaching the City of Albemarle about the
possibility of the District purchasing water from them. The Board discussed
Albemarle’s capacity, and agreed that Ron Niland should proceed with
discussions with Albemarle.
Golden Leaf/Denton Farmpark: Ron Niland
explained that he had just received a letter from Golden Leaf and that the
Farmpark did not qualify for the grant. He further discussed that a secondary
possibility for grant would be Clean Water.
Debbi Yarbrough questioned whether some
hydrants that were bagged in Pinehaven were in use. Ron Niland discussed that
they were not, and explained that they were temporarily out of service while
the old lines were being replaced with new lines. Discussion followed about a
leak and some pressure problems on the new lines in Pinehaven.
Fred Hobbs discussed that Brian Sexton would
be going to work with Marziano & Minier.
Discussion followed pertaining to the Board
meeting and Ron Niland and the Board recommended that Renae Snider contact
Karen Nash (one of the regular guests at Board meetings) to let her know that
the Board had met on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 and that there would be no
meeting on Thursday, November 8, 2007, as originally scheduled.
Tim Loflin made a motion to adjourn the
meeting, seconded by Debbi Yarbrough, passed by the Board 4-0. Adjourned.