Handy Sanitary Wastewater Do's and Dont's

Using Your Wastewater System

The grinder tank and pump system takes wastewater from your toilet, sink, shower, bath, dishwasher, and washing machine and conveys it to the District’s wastewater collection system.
Failure to comply with the following will result in repair charges to the customer.  

 1) To avoid blockages and damage to your grinder pump/tank, the following items should NOT be placed into your system by washing them down the drains, garbage disposals, or toilets:

  2) It is against the law (NC General Statutes) to plumb the items below into your system.

  3) For accessibility purposes, and to avoid damaging the tank lid located on your property:

4) To avoid damaging the pump control panel, and more importantly, for your safety, do not open the door of the pump control panel for any reason. If an alarm sounds, it can be turned off by pressing the silence button (push button encased with rubber), located on the outside face, bottom right side of the pump control panel. The alarm light will remain on.  

5) The pump control panel and the disconnect switch (on the 4x4 post) must be accessible at all times to allow a District technician to interrupt power to the E-One panel for the purpose of repairing the grinder system as necessary.  

If an alarm sounds, you see an overflow, or you notice any out of the ordinary occurrences related to the operation of your wastewater system, contact Handy Sanitary District by calling (336)-859-2553. If you call after regular business hours, the phone message will direct you to our 24 hour on-call personnel.